Be The Great Leader You Are – BE YOU!
Sometimes people can be hurting inside, but they do not show it.
They can be depressed, but act like everything is fine, and they own it.
So, why is that?
‘Coz we were wired that way…Our generation I mean.
Not to be vulnerable, and not to show our weaknesses. People are watching. You’ll be shamed. You’ll be judged. You’ll be stoned. You’ll be mocked.
People will take you the wrong way!
And the result is a YOU whom nobody knows.
But you know what?
You are older now.
You can step out of this vicious circle. You can be vulnerable and confident at the same time.
It takes a lot of courage to share your vulnerability with people who care, with people who want to bear, with people who want to accept you for who you are.
Let it out.
Say you need help.
Say you’ve failed.
Say you are not perfect.
It’s okay.
In fact, it’s more than okay.
This is you. The AUTHENTIC you.
Embrace your vulnerability, get stronger, fail sometimes, and be your own author.
It’s okay. It’s really okaaa-y.
Be you… as long as you are still you.
That’s the recipe for an authentic person, an authentic mum/dad, an authentic aunt/uncle, daughter/son, sister/brother, and friend.
Be the “Great” leader you are. Be You!