How FeedNOW, and FeedFORWARD Can Help Us Give Better FeedBACK

We all understand the term “FeedBACK”, and some may have heard the term “FeedFORWARD”. Still, fewer may have heard the term “FeedNOW”. But I believe grasping these concepts and clarifying the differences between them is essential for a person to be a truly effective leader. And an essential part of being an effective leader is the capability to regularly review how each individual in your organization performs, help them understand what areas need to improve, and how their performance can be enhanced. 

But before we get to these concepts, we need some build-up. Let’s begin with time capsules

Time Capsules and Feedback

What is a Time Capsule?

If you’re not already familiar with it, a time capsule is basically the physical version of Facebook memories. The term usually refers to a container where a group of people stores any number of objects with sentimental value (e.g., letters, photos) from the present and bury them—only to reveal them after a significant period of time has passed. 

Have you ever created a time capsule with your friends?

If yes, do you remember the excitement you felt when you opened the box again? As memories resurfaced, you and your friends laughed as you recalled a gushing stream of happenings and relationships.

Who were best friends, who had rivalries, and what were our fondest memories? It probably felt as if you traveled back ten years, but in reality, you are in the future, in the now.

The way we express feedback to someone is similar to the concept of a time capsule, showing them the good or bad and offering valuable information that can help them NOW, at this moment.

What you’ve buried in the time capsule is FeedBACK. They’re all things that happened in the past.

FeedNOW is similar to the experience of digging up the time capsule to discover valuable information that might impact you at this moment.

FeedFORWARD symbolizes what went through your head after you’ve interacted with pieces of your past self through the time capsule and the decisions you’ll make to improve and give yourself a boost in the future.

Let’s compare which is the most effective practice for our work culture and the corporate world. 


The general meaning of feedback is to give a performance audit and to put it into words. It includes questions like:

Are you doing your job right?

How are you doing it wrong?

What are your weaknesses?

Feedback helps you understand whether your performance is meeting company expectations.

What’s the problem with how FeedBACK is usually conducted?

In workplaces, FeedBACK commonly points out the negative aspects of someone’s performance, sometimes bringing back what they didn’t do correctly in the past.

“This idea hasn’t really changed.”

“You made a mistake.”

“Your work was mediocre.”

It doesn’t necessarily offer a solution and often states what the person already knows.

Offering backward-looking FeedBACK can be ineffective because when we are told about something negative from the past that we can no longer control, our brains produce a stress-induced hormone called cortisol that makes us feel defensive, shuts down our rational decision-making, and can leave us feeling hopeless.

Besides, rating previous behavior does not look towards future goals: what can be done from now on. However, there are more effective ways to better the workplace.


FeedNOW is an alternative communication technique that can help you offer observations from the past while simultaneously providing real-time feedback to help others grow.

The process of FeedNOW is to share your observations now, what’s working and what’s not (even better if), in a timely and fresh matter. The benefit of sharing your suggestions now is that it’ll help your workmate understand where they might be underperforming while being guided towards improving at the moment.

The result?

Your workmate will appreciate that your pointers, educating them if necessary, and giving them time to improve. Of course, FeedNOW can also create both positive or negative reactions. And that depends on how you relay the information.

How do I properly relay FeedNOW?

Share your opinion privately because that’d show how genuine your intentions are. It shows you have their best interest at heart.

By respectfully pulling them aside, you will make them feel valued and avoid any emotional trauma caused by embarrassment, especially if you are a manager. Your respect towards employees and the way you word your opinion matter.

This way, relaying your information will allow your workmates to feel comfortable around you and develop a growth mindset.

Respect • Empathy • Growth


A newer and more effective communication method is FeedFORWARD. FeedFORWARD was created by Marshall Goldsmith, who emphasizes, “We can change the future; we can’t change the past.” Goldsmith ran an experiment on two groups of managers, addressing one with FeedBACK and the other with FeedFORWARD.

What were the results?

The group receiving FeedFORWARD communication reported that FeedFORWARD was not only helpful, but it was also fun. According to the group, “FeedFORWARD did not seem like feedback, but more of a solution to perform better.”

But What is FeedFORWARD?

FeedFORWARD is a method of providing teammates with valuable insights by helping them create a positive environment based on learning and productivity. It is the process of replacing negative feedback with goal-oriented methods to achieve the desired solution.

For example, instead of scolding an employee who struggles to reach the quota for a month’s sales; encourage them, offer suggestions that could help them perform better, and share your opinions on how they can get there.

By giving them specific pointers, they will learn, feel more open-minded, and set goals with a positive mentality.

With FeedFORWARD, you will create a dynamic organization of people to improve for the future, rather than reminding team members of stagnant mistakes from the past.

Whether you’re a coworker or a manager, respectful communication is essential in creating a positive, progressive, and inspiring environment. Let’s create a work culture that sees, listens to, and motivates all employees equally.

And now, as you dig up the time capsule of work performance, would you focus on the FeedBACK, FeedNOW, FeedFORWARD, or a mixture of each?

This article is also available at the 925Egypt website, here.

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