How I Messed Up, But Kept Moving Forward and Living My Best Life (And How You Can Too)

I messed up. But that’s okay. Here’s why.

Hey, I have a confession to make… I messed up! That’s right; I messed up the other day. I fell into my old habits for a while. And let me tell you; it was not enjoyable at all.

But. That’s okay. I’m not going to beat myself up. I’m only human, after all. And here is what happened:

I’ve been facing some big changes in my life.

You see, I’ve been facing some big changes in my life lately, and they kind of tempted me to go back to that familiar place where I felt a false sense of relief, but in reality, I was trapped. I was trapped by my fears and worries that I was avoiding.

But you know what? I’m not surrendering or quitting on my real comfort zone. I still show up, every single day, reaching out to be in this place where I feel satisfied and fulfilled. The one where I’m doing amazing things like sharing my wisdom, speaking at events, writing posts, and more.

I’m bouncing back and forth between my comfort zones.

So yeah, that’s what I’m doing right now. I’m bouncing back and forth between my fake and real comfort zones. But I’m getting back on track and finding my rhythm again.

I’m pushing myself to try new things.

And you know what else? I’m also stretching myself to step out of my real comfort zone from time to time and try something new and different. Something that makes me nervous but also thrilled. And then, I go back to my real comfort zone to recharge and reflect on what I learned and how I grew.

That’s how I keep moving forward and living my best life. And I hope you do too!

I want to hear from you.

So, what do you think? Have you been experiencing something similar? How do you deal with your mistakes and challenges? How do you step out of your comfort zone and try new things? Let me know in the comments below, or send me a message. I’d love to hear from you and support you on your journey!

Don’t let your mistakes stop you from living your best life. Learn from them, grow from them, and keep moving forward.

Rasha Alajouz

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  • Hanan

    Very comforting, to find someone to share how easy it is to fall into our old habits and how great it’s to have the awareness to see our patterns and work on changing them.Thank you coach Rasha 🙏🏻

    • Rasha Alajouz

      I’m glad we can relate on breaking our old habits and growing our awareness. You’re welcome, coach Hanan 🙏🏻

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