Unleash Your Full Potential, Get Connected With Yourself

If you’re like me, you’d be struggling with the “all work and no play” dilemma on a regular basis. While you may be a very productive worker, being overly dedicated to your work can disconnect you from someone important: yourself. If your work becomes too time-consuming and nerve-wracking, it will damage your health, your personal life, and eventually your work life. So, how should we solve this problem? Should we sacrifice our personal lives for business or the other way around? Can we balance both, and lead a happy, fulfilled life? Is there a way to unleash our full potential without losing ourselves? Through my own experience, the optimal way to unleash my potential without sacrificing myself is to connect with my body, mind, and soul. Begin by cleaning your “house”, from the inside, out.

Connect with your soul.

Tidying up should always begin as an “inside job”. To unleash your true potential and achieve real-time success in all aspects of your life, begin by connecting with your soul. The best way to do that is to become well-connected to your Creator: The One who knows you better than anyone. He can fix the unfixable and support you beyond your imagination. Follow these steps and you’ll experience positive results:

Seek guidance. If you are connected to and supported by God, He will guide you to the right path. When you seek God’s help, He will lead you to the right choices.

Talk to Him. Ask for His Blessings. Express your fear and anxiety. Lay it all out there, and He’ll never forsake you.

Be on time. Never miss or delay your prayer times. Reaching out to Him 5 times a day will keep your soul and heart in shape. These are your soul workouts, so don’t miss them for the world, and be on time.

Listen to Him. When you read and ponder God’s Words, you hear His Message. It helps clear the lens of how we see things, we become better listeners and more in tune with what God wants for us.

Be good and do good. Good deeds clean both your heart and soul. The more you help others, the more you become a good person, and this is rewarded by God.

As you connect with your soul, your mind will clear, you’ll feel blessed, new ideas will seemingly appear out of nowhere, and you will make wiser decisions that help you lead a creative and healthy life.


Connect with your body.

Once you repair the inside, you can safely move to repair the outside. It is easy to lose ourselves in work and to deprive ourselves of sleep. While we sit at our desks eating junk food and drinking tons of coffee, we believe we’re being productive. Sure, we will finish projects, but we’ll eventually be “finished off” in the process. Even our perceived success would be lacking in some way. Follow these three rules, and start listening to your body.

Eat like our great-grandmother. Only eat what your body understands and can digest. When a digestive system functions properly, it can eliminate 90% of fatigue and illness. How can a digestive system learn to do so? Start eating more unprocessed food while minimizing the processed items you consume. You will feel a lot better, and your skin will glow, as well. Our stomachs weren’t designed to handle processed foods.

Sleep like a baby. No less than 6 hours per day. The time you sleep is when your body recharges and begins to flush out unwanted toxins. If you want to be truly successful, allow your brain and body to reset.

Muscle it out. Your muscles can lose tone and become weak. Additionally, if you only focus on work, you are likely to develop overused, stressed-out muscles. Muscles need to be recharged, as well. Work out regularly and try not to sit in your chair for more than 1 hour without taking a break. Go for a walk (minimum 15 minutes). If you don’t have time to play sports, you can set up a mini-gym in your house and muscle it out during your breaks.

So, how about it? Would you like to join forces with me and work on this process together? Let’s stay in touch with each other as we work towards unleashing our potential, becoming better versions of ourselves while we create a better world. By connecting with your mind, body, and soul, you can achieve all your goals. You will experience more success, or shall we say true success, if you become truly connected to yourself. No one will be able to stop you, not even you. I would love to hear about your progress, please don’t hesitate to comment here or contact me to let me know how you’re doing.

Let’s unleash our potential together.

Your Partner,

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